Weekly Parasha


This Parasha Schedule follows the traditional Orthodox Jewish calendar for 5785

In the table below there are links to the following:
– Entire weekly Torah commentary sections at Chabad.org under the Parasha Name / Event column
– Direct links to the text of the torah portions (in English and/or Hebrew) at Chabad.org under the Torah Portion column
– 13 Petals commentaries under the Commentary column

The links will open up in a new window.

Date (Saturday) - שַׁבָּתParasha Name / EventMeaning of Parasha Name Torah PortionCommentary
October 5, 2024Ha'azinu, הַאֲזִינוּGive earDeuteronomy 32:1 - 52The Mystical Dew of Light
October 12Yom Kippur, יוֹם כִּיפּוּר
Special readings
Leviticus 16:1 - 34
Numbers 29:7 - 11
October 19Sukkot, (סֻכּוֹת), Day 3,
Special readings
Exodus 33:12 - 34:26
Numbers 29:17-25
October 26Bereishit, בְּרֵאשִׁיתIn the beginningGenesis 1:1 - 6:8The Two Souls and Messiah
November 2Noah, נֹחַNoah (rest)Genesis 6:9 - 11:32Noah and Messiah
November 9Lech Lechah, לֶךְ-לְךָGo forth, yourself! Genesis 12:1 - 17:27The Blessing and the Plants
November 16Va'yeirah, וַיֵּרָאAnd He appeared Genesis 18:1 - 22:24Isaac and the Akeida
November 23Chayei Sarah, חַיֵּי שָׂרָהLife of SarahGenesis 23:1 - 25:18Three Periods in Sarah’s life
November 30Toldot, תּוֹלְדֹתGenerations Genesis 25:19 - 28:9The Two Snakes and Messiah
December 7Va'yeitzi, וַיֵּצֵאAnd he went out Genesis 28:10 - 32:3
(28:10 - 32:2)
Yaakov’s Ladder and Messiah
December 14Va'yishlach, וַיִּשְׁלַחAnd he sent Genesis 32:4 - 36:43
(32:3 - 36:43)
The Reunion
December 21Va'yeishev, וַיֵּשֶׁבAnd he settled Genesis 37:1 - 40:23Messiah Son of Yosef
December 28Miketz, מִקֵּץAt the end of Genesis 41:1 - 44:17The Messiah That Hanukkah Concealed
January 4, 2025Va'yigash, וַיִּגַּשׁAnd he drew near Genesis 44:18 - 47:27Tzafnat Paneakh
January 11Va'yechi, וַיְחִיAnd he lived Genesis 47:28 - 50:26Trein Mishikhin: The Twin Messiahs
January 18Shemot, שְׁמוֹתNamesExodus 1:1 - 6:1Names and Geulah
January 25Va'eirah, וָאֵרָאAnd I appeared Exodus 6:2 - 9:35Hokhmah and G-d's Names
February 1Bo, בֹּאEnter! Exodus 10:1 - 13:16Inside Pharoah
February 8Beshalach, בְּשַׁלַּחWhen he let go Exodus 13:17 - 17:16Unity for Redemption
February 15Yitro, יִתְרוֹJethro (abundance) Exodus 18:1 - 20:23
(18:1 - 20:26)
Repentance and Shabbat
February 22Mishpatim, מִּשְׁפָּטִיםJudgements Exodus 21:1 - 24:18
March 1Terumah, תְּרוּמָהOffering Exodus 25:1 - 27:19The Inner Sanctuary
March 8Tetzaveh, תְּצַוֶּהYou shall command Exodus 27:20 - 30:10Shekhina, Betzalel and Messiah
March 15Ki Tisa, כִּי תִשָּׂאWhen you elevate Exodus 30:11 - 34:35The Erev Rav
March 22Va'yakhel, וַיַּקְהֵל
And he assembledExodus 35:1 - 38:20One Body, One Sanctuary
March 29Pekudi, פְקוּדֵיAccountings ofExodus 38:21 - 40:38
(1:1 - 5:19)
Three Names for the Tabernacle
April 5Va'yikrah, וַיִּקְרָאAnd He calledLeviticus 1:1 - 5:26
The Living Sacrifice
April 12Tzav, צַוCommand!Leviticus 6:1 - 8:36The Continuous Fire
April 19Passover (פֶּסַח), Day 7
Special Readings
33:12 - 34:26,
Numbers 28:19 - 25
April 26Shemini, שְּׁמִינִיEighth Leviticus 9:1 - 11:47Welcome the Shekhina
May 3Tazriah, תַזְרִיעַ
Metzorah, מְּצֹרָע
She bears seed

Infected one
Leviticus 12:1 - 13:59

Leviticus 14:1 - 15:33
Circumcision and Leprosy
May 10Acharei Mot, אַחֲרֵי מוֹת
Kedoshim, קְדֹשִׁים
After the death

Holy ones
Leviticus 16:1 - 18:30

Leviticus 19:1 - 20:27
Azazel and the Fallen Angels

The Torah is About Love
May 17Emor, אֱמֹרSay! Leviticus 21:1 - 24:23Unifying G-d's Name
May 24Behar, בְּהַר
Bechukotai, בְּחֻקֹּתַי
On the Mount

In My statutes
Leviticus 25:1 -26:2

Leviticus 26:3 - 27:34
In Faith We Count

The Fourth Torah
May 31Bamidbar, בְּמִדְבַּרIn the wildernessNumbers 1:1 - 4:20
June 7Nasso, נָשֹׂאElevate! Numbers 4:21 - 7:89Repentance: Four Steps and a 5th
June 14Behaalotchah, בְּהַעֲלֹתְךָIn your making go up Numbers 8:1 - 12:16The Unifying Light of the World
June 21Shelach Lecha, שְׁלַח-לְךָSend for yourself Numbers 13:1 - 15:41In the Desert and In Redemption
June 28Korach, קֹרַחKorah (bald) Numbers 16:1 - 18:32
July 5Chukat, חֻקַּתOrdinance of Numbers 19:1 - 22:1
July 12Balak, בָּלָקBalak (destroyer) Numbers 22:2 - 25:9The Light That Emerges From Darkness
July 19Pinchas, פִּינְחָסPhinehas (dark-skinned) Numbers 25:10 - 30:1
(25:10 - 29:40)
July 26Matot, מַּטּוֹת
Masei, מַסְעֵי

Journeys of
Numbers 30:2 - 32:42
(30:1 - 32:42)

Numbers 33:1 - 36:13
The 42 Journeys
August 2Devarim, דְּבָרִיםWordsDeuteronomy 1:1 - 3:22On Fire
August 9Va'etchanan, וָאֶתְחַנַּןAnd I besought Deuteronomy 3:23 – 7:11
August 16Eikev, עֵקֶבBecause Deuteronomy 7:12 - 11:25The Heel and Messiah
August 23Re'ei, רְאֵהBehold Deuteronomy 11:26 - 16:17
August 30Shoftim, שֹׁפְטִיםJudgesDeuteronomy 16:18 - 21:9I See Men Like Trees
September 6Ki Teitzei, כִּי-תֵצֵאWhen you go out Deuteronomy 21:10 - 25:19The Bird's Nest
September 13Ki Tavo, כִּי-תָבוֹאWhen you come in Deuteronomy 26:1 - 29:8
(26:1 - 29:9)
Materialism and Egoism
September 20Nitzavim, נִצָּבִיםAre standing Deuteronomy 29:9 - 30:20
(29:10 - 30:20)