Prayer’s Function

From “The Complete Artscroll Siddur.”

The Hebrew name is תְּפִלָּה, teffillah, a word that gives us an insight into the Torah’s concept of prayer. The root word of tefillah is פלל, to judge, to differentiate, to clarify, to decide. In life, we constantly sort out evidence from rumor, valid opinions from wild speculations, fact from fancy. The exercise of such judgments is called פלילה. Indeed the word פליליס(from פלל) is used for a court of law (Exodus 21:22), and what is the function of a court if not to sift through evidence and make a decision? A logical extension of פלל is the related root פלה, meaning a clear separation between two things. Thus, prayer is the souls yearning to define what truly matters and to ignore the trivialities that often masquerade as essential (Siddur Avodas HaLev).

People always question the need for prayer – does not G-d know our requirements without being reminded? Of course He does, He knows them better than we do. If prayer were intended only to inform G-d of our desires and deficiencies, it would be unnecessary. Its true purpose is to raise the level of the supplicants by helping then develop true perceptions of life so that they can become worthy of His blessing.

This is the function of the evaluating, decision-making process of תְּפִלָּה, prayer. The Hebrew word for praying, מתפלל; it is a reflexive word, meaning that the subject acts upon himself: Prayer is a process of self-evaluation, self-judgment; a process of removing oneself from the tumult of life to a little corner of truth and refastening the bonds that tie one to the purpose of life.

One thought on “Prayer’s Function

  1. when reading this : ” it is a reflexive word, meaning that the subject acts upon himself: Prayer is a process of self-evaluation, self-judgment; a process of removing oneself from the tumult of life to a little corner of truth and refastening the bonds that tie one to the purpose of life.”

    …i can not help but think of the NT where Yeshua instructs his students to focus on the role in fulfilling G-d’s will.’ let it be done ” and how that applies / the application thereof in their lives while ” removing oneself from the tumult of life ” in their ” closet ” to a little corner of truth to refasten the bonds that tie one to the purpose of life ” – to forgive and love others and do unto them as they would have do unto you
    “Therefore, whatever you wish men to do to you, do also to them, for this this is the Torah and the Prophets. ”

    Mic_6:8 He has declared to you, O man, what is good. And what does יהוה require of you but to do right, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your Elohim?

    some of my thoughts that came to me after this

    think i will go and pray


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