Connectedness – 6. Learning in Connectedness


“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”
Mahatma Gandhi

“The mind ought sometimes to be diverted that it may return to better thinking.”Picture62
Phaedrus (1st century Roman poet)

“You love to learn … whatever the subject, you will be drawn to the process of learning. The process, more than the content or result, is especially exciting for you.”
– StrengthsFinder 2.0 – Learner

In this final “Learner” section, we’re going to expand on the concepts we’ve covered in some imaginative ways.

Recapping our “geometric journey” …

  1. Point. We took a single idea, the StrengthsFinder assessment.
  2. Line. We combines it with Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits.
  3. Ray. Covey showed how the principles come from an eternal past. They have always existed.
  4. Opposite Rays. These principles also extend through the eternal future. They are infinite in both directions of time.
  5. Two-dimensions: We brought in other related ideas along the 4-levels to create a plane.
  6. Three-dimensions: We combined the 34 Stengths, the 7 Habits and the 4 dimensions/levels.

Considering the ‘shape’ of a 3-D object, we’ve created a box. As the saying goes, it’s time to ‘think out of the box.’ Or better yet … It’s time to look outside of the Matrix. And yes, that’s an actual fortune cookie I opened – and it was while working on this section of the study in the fall of 2015. Just another coincidence.


The 4-Letter Name of G-d

We will now take the next step forward by going back to the beginning. The most fundamental verse of faith in the Torah is known as the Shema in Deuteronomy 6:4. The verse following this ties to it directly. The first statement regards the single unity of G-d. This is followed by the next three levels where we are to love G-d with ‘our heart, mind and strength, which correspond to our emotional, mental and physical capacities. Note that in the text where the English reads “Lord,” this is the “Four-letter Name of G-d,” which reads from right to left in Hebrew.

Next, taking the 4-letter Name and arranging the letters in a vertical fashion, top to bottom, we see how they correspond to our 4-levels of existence, the emanation and expansion of and idea and Jacob’s ladder dream with its associated themes. The Yud is the single point. The first Hey reflects the upper expansions. The Vav is the ‘connection.’ The final Hey is the lower expansion. The very shape of the letters reflects the concepts each is connected to.



Movies: The Matrix

Be sure to check out our Matrix study in the Kabbalah Corner of 13Petals for detailed analysis of the movie series. For now we will focus on one interesting aspect and that is the presence of the “Four Words of Existence” (our four domains, etc.) that are at the heart of the movie.

At the very beginning of the second movie, Matrix Reloaded, is a scene that depicts some sort of psycho-spiritual journey into a world of darkness. We come to a point, followed by an explosion, then the release and descent of the Matrix code which eventually takes form and is made into a physical time clock.

Here is a link to the video clip. Skip to the 0:32 mark.

Below are four still shots from this segment. Refer back to the section of this study regarding the creation and expansion of and idea.

  1. In the top left panel we have the single point which corresponds to initial spark of the idea – closest to the mind. (The world of Atzilut/Nearness)
  2. The upper right frame is the expansion of the idea. The beginning of the actual creative phase. (The world of Beriah/Creation)
  3. At the bottom left is the connection where there is synergy between the letters of the code and formation begins. (The world of Yetzirah/Formation)
  4. Finally, the lower right image depicts the making of the time clock in the Matrix world. (The world of Asyiah/Making)



Movies: Harry Potter

Another movie with many of the same hidden themes is the Harry Potter series. In this case we’re going to look at some detailed information from established kabbalistic teachings (i.e., Zohar, Sefer Yetzirah, etc.). The information on the left side of the chart below is taken from such sources. The Four Worlds of Existence correspond to the 4-Letter Name of G-d (Yud,Hey,Vav,Hey). The information from the right side is found on various Harry Potter information web pages.

On a humorous note, one COULD use the StrengthsFinder Assessment to determine what Hogwarts House they would belong to!



Movies: Other Forms of Connectedness

Looking beyond the light sabers, kung fu fighting and wizardry, many movies serve as great midrashic metaphors, carrying profound ancient truths from the Torah.

Sometimes different movies are really telling the same story – such as how a tzadik not only will lay down his own life for others, but can do more to benefit people in death than in life.

This is the case with Obiwan in Star Wars, Neo in The Matrix and Dumbledore in Harry Potter, who all allowed themselves to be killed by an agent of the ‘other side’ (the ‘Sitra Achra’).

All three of these movies involve a one-time unity that was shattered into ‘good and evil’ worlds, and how the actions of many, including support of a messianic figure or that figure himself, lead to tikkun that brings back unity.

This is the fundamental story of the Torah and how the tzadikkim who appear through time all have a role to play (often not clear in our eyes) in the plan of G-d.



The Matrix is perhaps the greatest movie ever made for revealing eternal concepts. What is very interesting is there are two other movies by the same directors (the Wachowskis) that go hand-in-hand with The Matrix to explain the concept of, “Things are not what they appear to be,” in our world, in hidden worlds and across time.

Below are selected quotes from the three films that reveal this common ‘thread.’



A ‘hidden’ concept in the three films is that the path to understanding ‘what is really going on’ begins with the aspect of humility. The Torah concept of humility is not about walking around with your head to the ground. Rather, it has to do with knowing exactly where you stand with G-d.

The greatest example we find of this in the Tenakh was Moses.treeK

Moses was a very humble man, more humble than anyone else on the face of the earth.
Numbers 12:3

The result of Moses’ ‘knowing more than anyone where he stood,’ was that he had the closest connection to G-d:

I speak to him (Moses) face to face, clearly, and not in riddles. He sees the LORD as he is.
– Numbers 12:8

It is not so remarkable then, that the StrengthsFinder Assessment makes specific note of this:

Humility is the essence of connectedness … You have to know who you are and who you aren’t.
– StrengthsFinder 2.0

In kabbalah, humility is called ‘the first gate,’ and is associated with the Sefirah of Malkhut which is “kingdom.” Achieving this aspect of humility or “kingdom” opens the gate to the upper levels of spiritual understanding and thus, ‘closeness to G-d.”

This is reflected in this quote from the gospels:

“But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.”
– Matthew 6:33

We will be adding to this study in the future. Stay tuned!