A Bedtime Story

A question was posed across Creation, asking about the Name of G-d. Without hesitation the name Elohim spoke up insisting he was the proper name. “After all,” he said, “I am there in the beginning. In fact in the very first verse of the Torah, it says ‘Elohim created the heavens and earth.’ No doubt, Elohim is the name as I am seen first!”

“Not so fast,” replied the name Shaddai. “You may have been the name used for those things, but when G-d set apart his chosen people through Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, it was by Shaddai that they all knew Him and received His provision! Surely this personal connection means more, and Shaddai is His name!”

As these two mighty names of G-d squared off, another emerged – the ancient name Ehyeh, the great ‘I AM,’ came forward and said, “That is all well and good my friends, but when Moses was given the task of saving the Jewish people in Egypt he inquired of G-d Himself as to what name to give the people as their deliverer, he said to tell them it was me, Ehyeh. In fact, he emphasized it my saying, ‘Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh.’ That should leave no doubt that Ehyeh is the right name.”

Before the three could renew the argument, another name arrived. “Perhaps you have hear of me?” asked the great name YHVH. “Surely you must have, as my name is mentioned more than any other name in the Tenakh. In fact, I am called ‘the most holy name’ – so holy that I am not to be used in casual conversation! I believe this counts for more than any of your reasons and mine is the name to use!”

As the four names debated their merits and which should be the Name of G-d, a unified group of voices called to them. “Excuse us!” came the shout. “You are not the only foursome in the game! We are the four names; El, Yah, Adonai and El Chai! And though you four may consider yourselves the major candidates, we are also found in the Tenakh and thus have equal right to be considered. In addition, we are really six, as we have our active companions Elohim-Tzvaot and YHVH-Tzvaot along our sides. There are thus ten names here in all, who seek to be the Name by which G-d is called.”

As the ten names contended to be the one true name, a sound was heard, a shofar blast. Over the horizon they came, a multitude of cognomens of the Lord, each with their unique way of addressing the creator. Among them were; Rahum the Merciful One, Hanun the Gracious One and Ne’eman the Trustworthy One.

One came forward to address the ten. “Allow me to introduce myself, I am known as Ha Kadosh Baruch Hu, the Holy One Blessed be He. I have a message for you from the Creator, who says;

“Know that G-d is One and there is no other. Yet to my Creation I am many things. At times I act with mercy and at other times judgment. I give life and provide for needs. I work through my messengers of kindness as well as my messengers of vigor. Thus, I am known to my Creation by many names, and each of these represents who I am to them under specific circumstances. My names are my authority, my power and my relationship to my Creation. Do not cut between yourselves as you are all my Name and inseparable from one another. I am echad to many and yachid as One.”

And so the names learned to exist in the Tenakh, enabling humans to learn about the One G-d through what each represented.