Seven Habits

The Sefirot are essentially the building blocks of creation that interact with each other and the world. The lower seven are called the ‘middot’ (measures) and relate to matters in our day-to-day life. As such they will relate to everything we relate to – sometimes in very similar fashion.

An example of the latter is a business and self-help book called. “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People” (by Stephen Covey) which closely mirrors the attributes of the seven middot.

Compare them to the Seven Habits listed to the right:

  1. Chesed marks the beginning of the Middot
  2. Gevurah’s judgment considers the possibilities
  3. Tiferet looks at the big picture and prioritizes
  4. Netzach is the positive pro-active spark
  5. Hod is the Sefirah of reflection/reverberation
  6. Yesod is where all the upper Sefirot connect
  7. Malchut is the Sefirah the others ‘pour into”

Further, Covey breaks these down in an upper 6 Habits and the 7th being their day-to-day practice (thus, ‘sharpening the saw). He also divides the six into the first/upper three dealing with independence and the next/lower three with interdependence. This also correspond with the concept of ChGaT and NeHiY.