
Parashat Miketz-Vayigash (Part I) – The Messiah that Hannukah Concealed

Ben Yosef and the Evil Inclination In these days [2013], two Parashot that contain the mysteries of “Messiah ben Yosef” have not been so deeply studied, since the Hanukkah festivity took preference for most people I know, and somehow, Hanukkah conceals “Messiah ben Yosef” in the Parashot  Mikets and Vayigash (Gn 41 to 47). Here Read More


Parashat Toldot – The Two Snakes and Messiah

“There were two boys in her womb. The first to come out was completely red, and clothed in hair; so he was called Esav. After this, his brother came out, with his hand grasping Esav’s heel; so he was named Yakov” (Gn 25:24-26).   Esav is clothed in Hair (heb. Sa’ir – שער); which means Read More